Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Best Bloody Show Ever

So I've been hooked. By the longest running Sci-fi show of all time. Doctor Who. Its just brilliant! I saw the first few episodes on the English channel here. Then (god bless the internet!!) found the rest scattered around. I've made it to the third season in five days. In other terms that 34 episodes. Around 1 day and a half have been used watching. I don't regret it of course but my lack of sleep is setting in. But now I had to ruin it. I tried to fight the temptation but I couldn't any longer. I finally read what had happened in the most recent episode. I was pleased with the results until I realized that the plot was waaayyyy more complicated then it read. So I saw the clip. And now a part of me has died inside. I'm not sure if I can continue watching them anymore. And I can't even watch the old ones because everything will remind me of it!
But besides me being discontent and heartbroken at the latest episode, Doctor Who is one of the best shows I have ever seen! It has a great, extremely detailed plot from episode to episode with enough factors tying them together, but not to the point where you have to see all of them to understand anything. Not that I'm bashing shows like that. (Lost is great) Even though its Sci-Fi I can't compare it to Star Trek or Star Wars as much as I can compare it to Harry Potter, besides them being British, Doctor Who just has a remarkable new universe added onto ours that has so much depth and creativity that it is alike to Harry Potter. Not that there are wizards flying around, just the expertise at story telling. The show also has moral values throughout. Solomon in Hooverville splitting the bread to share between the thief and the owner is an amazing example.
I'm worried about the new season. I am only on the third but by the time it starts again I should be caught up. The regeneration scares me and the whole 10.5 makes me upset. Jane bugged me from the time I read her bio to the Runaway Bride. I'm guessing season four will be painful.

Thats all for now.

Friday, August 28, 2009


So. As many people know, I LOVE a Scottish band called Franz Ferdinand (great stuff) and being a great (non-stalkering) fan I was reading their blog. On the blog I became aware of a political party in England that just gained power in the European Parliament. This political party is called the BNP. It was only elected because of the competition between the other parties stretched the voters so thin.
Now to explain why this is a bad thing. The BNP is an acknowledged hate group. They deny the occurrence of a Holocaust and believe that any people with no British decent should be kicked out of the United Kingdom. This especially includes blacks and asians. In short, a purely white nation.
While the group formerly attacked Jewish people, they have gained a new target.
"This wicked, vicious faith has expanded from a handful of cranky lunatics about 1,300 years ago, to it's now sweeping country after country before it, all over the world. And if you read that book (the Koran), you'll find that that's what they want." - Nick Griffin [ BNP leader]

As with any argument, I will not leave you with just my opinions, but with evidence given by the BNP members as well.


"There's not a European country the Jews haven't been thrown out of. When it happens that many times, it's not just persecution. THERE'S NO SMOKE WITHOUT FIRE." - Mark Collett


"Churchill was a f****** c*** who led us into a pointless war with other whites [the Nazis] standing up for their race." - Mark Collett



Scary huh? Just google Nick Griffin or BNP and see all the information you can find! More people should know about this! Even just spreading the world will help!

And to further prove my point: Here are links to the BNP's very own website as well as respected news sources. Check it out for yourself
So I have the Turkey blog set up but I wanted a place where I can post non-Turkey related information that I feel the need to share! So basically this will be more informal and random. Thats all! Enjoy!